
War thunder player count
War thunder player count

war thunder player count

There are a handful of basic bugs and greedy gameplay mechanics that, if easily fixed would make the game 3x better for everyone. Gaijan enjoys pushing large amounts of map and vehicle content (especially when it's pay to win) but rarely fixes issues. It's potential is a 9.9, but in reality it is a generous 6/10. War Thunder is one those games that is painful to those who love it. This problem persists into higher tier battles as the gap between Battle Ratings grow.


This reduces players in lower BR tanks to free kills on the map as the 6.7 heavies dictate the game. The Panther F with rigid shells is some of the best penetration a player can get at 6.0, It has no chance to 1v1 6.7 heavies. 6.7 heavy tanks (Tiger 2H, T29, T34, IS-2 1944) to name a few enjoy invincibility to medium tanks of lower battle ratings. 5.7 and 6.0 is about the point where War Thunder becomes a dumpster fire. I found out the hard way that this gap in vehicle ability only grows the higher you go in tiers.


Players don't buy premium vehicles just for a fancy skin after all.Ī player starting in the game may feel that higher tier vehicles are giving them no chance to fight a fair fight, something like a KV-1 can be a challenge for lower tier tanks. It's similar to russian bias, but applies to premium vehicles.


Whether you believe in full out russian bias or not, it's easy to see that the Russian tank tree is the easiest to dominate with. Russian tanks also have a strange habit of absorbing shells in their tracks with no damage, must be that Stalinium. These include Russian shells that are much more likely to start fires and detonate ammo piles. Russian bias is the special bonuses and advantages given to Russian tanks since the game is developed by a Russian company. Data miners have claimed to find evidence of it, while many others simply deny it's existence. Russian bias is a controversial topic in the game. Never mind medium tanks having issues, 6.7 heavies struggle to kill it. It is over powered at it's rank and invincible if down tiered. It's a shamefully obvious example of pay to win. 4.7 battles are often dominated by the M4A3E2 and when down ranked the Jumbo Sherman has an un-opposed field day.Īnother vehicle is the T28. The tank is easy to penetrate between the tracks and hull at odd angles, but M4A3E2 victims are rarely lucky enough to get that chance. The only weak point is the lower machine gun port that with some time to aim and a lot of luck can be penetrated. While the gun is weak the tank is incredibly hard to penetrate from the front. This tank features double plated front armor and a beast of a turret. One of the easiest to see over powered vehicles is the M4A3E2 "Jumbo Sherman" and it's premium counter part, the Cobra King. Even balanced vehicles become unbalanced thanks to the game's match making system. Nearly every map features cheap hiding spots that make a player on team A nearly invincible unless the game becomes a land slide and team B rushes team A's spawn.Įvery rank of War Thunder ground battles has a handful of slightly to majorly over powered vehicles that dominate matches. The spawn for the Red team in the above image is a firing range for Blue playrers holding down sites, players leaving the Red base must rush through the only open ground on the map and avoid fire from blue players in hard to kill places.Īlmost every map in the game has a bias towards one team, but the two above are perhaps the worst. These provide hundreds of cheap hiding spots where only the gun of a tank sticks out, making a player virtually invincible. This map is a mess, it is littered with destroyed tanks and bombed out buildings. The second map that players dislike is Berlin. Unless the Blue team rushes C at the start of the game with success they lose. The red side side in the above image has a significant advantage not only in covered area to watch C from but a much shorter distance where players driving C are vulnreble. 90% of games played on this map are decided before players spawn in. Port Novorossiysk is probably the most obvious example of a map that is broken.

War thunder player count